FTVSPCControl Class

Contains information about the program version and license type.

General Names

Namespace FabulaTech.VSPC
Class Name FTVSPCControl
Assembly Name ftvspcnet
.NET Component File Name ftvspcnet.dll


API Control
ApplyKeyApply a new license key. The previously applied key will be replaced with LicenseKey.
Port Enumeration
EnumPhysicalRefreshes information about physical serial ports (or third-party virtual serial ports) and returns their number.
EnumVirtualRefreshes information about virtual serial ports and returns their number.
GetPhysicalRetrieves the name of physical serial port by index.
GetVirtualRetrieves virtual serial port name by index.
Creating and Removing Ports
CreatePortCreates virtual serial port with non-standard name.
CreatePortExCreates virtual serial port with non-standard name and allows replacing the value of FriendlyName and CompanyName (indicated by the license key) with alternative values.
CreatePortOverlappedCreates virtual serial port with non-standard name over existing COM port.
CreatePortOverlappedExCreates virtual serial port with non-standard name over existing COM port and allows replacing the value of FriendlyName and CompanyName (indicated by the license key) with alternative values.
CreateTwinPortCreates virtual serial port twin with non-standard name.
CreateTwinPortExCreates virtual serial port twin with non-standard name and allows replacing the value of FriendlyName and CompanyName (indicated by the license key) with alternative values.
RemovePortRemoves a virtual serial port with non-standard name.
GetLastErrorReturns last error code for the latest operation.


ExpirationDateString containing a date of trial license expiration. The date format depends on the locale settings. If the string is empty, the license is not trial.
LicenseKeyLicense Key. In case of using dynamically created object, this property should be set in the first place, before calling any method or setting any other property.
LicenseTypeLicense type. Refer to FTVSPCLicenseType.
LicensedCompanyString containing the name of the company to which the license is issued. This string can be empty.
LicensedUserString containing the name of the person to which the license is issued. This string can be empty.
NumberOfLicensesNumber of computers allowed to install the program according to the license. If set to zero, the number of computers is unlimited.
NumberOfPortsMaximum number of ports allowed to work. If set to zero, the number of ports is unlimited.
PortTrialTimeMaximum time of life for each virtual serial port (in minutes). During this time serial application can work with the virtual serial port. If set to zero, no time limitation.
VersionString containing program version number.


OnLicenseQuotaExceededProgram has detected excess of allowed number of licenses in the network. Program is disabled now.
OnPortCreateFabulaTech virtual serial port has been created.
OnPortLimitExceededNumber of open virtual serial ports exceeded (this event fires when some application opens extra virtual serial port).
OnPortRemoveFabulaTech virtual serial port has been removed.
OnThirdPartyPortCreateThird party serial port has been created.
OnThirdPartyPortRemoveThird party serial port has been removed.
OnTrialExpiredTrial period expired. Program is disabled now.