FtVspcCreatePortOverlappedByNum Function

Creates virtual serial port over existing COM port.

BOOL FtVspcCreatePortOverlappedByNum(
	UINT unPortNo,
	LPCTSTR lpszRealPortAlias 



[in] COM port number (e.g. 5 means COM5).


[in] Alias name for existing COM port. You still will be able to open existing COM port using this alias name. The string is an MS-DOS path (e.g. PORT1, COM100).

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. Otherwise, use FtVspcGetLastError to get the error code (FtVspc_ErrorCode).


ftvspcErrorFailed 1 The operation has not been completed.
ftvspcErrorInvalidParameter 2 Invalid parameter.
ftvspcErrorPortAlreadyExists 100 This port already exists.
ftvspcErrorNoSuchPort 101 Physical port does not exists.


Overlapped port will be created only if physical port with specified number exists. Otherwise, ftvspcErrorNoSuchPort error will be returned.