FtVspcCreatePortOverlappedByNum Function
Creates virtual serial port over existing COM port.
BOOL FtVspcCreatePortOverlappedByNum( UINT unPortNo, LPCTSTR lpszRealPortAlias );
[in] COM port number (e.g. 5 means COM5).
[in] Alias name for existing COM port. You still will be able to open existing COM port using this alias name. The string is an MS-DOS path (e.g. PORT1, COM100).
Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. Otherwise, use FtVspcGetLastError to get the error code (FtVspc_ErrorCode).
ftvspcErrorFailed | 1 | The operation has not been completed. |
ftvspcErrorInvalidParameter | 2 | Invalid parameter. |
ftvspcErrorPortAlreadyExists | 100 | This port already exists. |
ftvspcErrorNoSuchPort | 101 | Physical port does not exists. |
Overlapped port will be created only if physical port with specified number exists. Otherwise, ftvspcErrorNoSuchPort error will be returned.